Modern Arabic
The Modern Arabic program at Yale University is a solid and rigorous program serving both academic and professional purposes. All classes are conducted exclusively in Arabic. The aim is to equip students with a high level of language proficiency, as outlined to the guidelines of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The program offers courses in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) at three levels; each level covers two semesters. Students with prior coursework in Arabic may take the Arabic Placement Test.
Beginning Arabic—ARBC 110 (L1) and 120 (L12)
Beginning Arabic is for students with no prior knowledge of Arabic. Emphasis is on a functional and communicative approach to the four required skills: reading, writing, listening, the speaking.
Intermediate Arabic—ARBC 130 (L3) and 140 (L4)
This is a continuation of Beginning Arabic. The aim of these courses are to continue building on the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Emphasis is on building vocabulary and solidifying understanding of grammatical structures.
Advanced Arabic—ARBC 150 and 151 (both L5)
In the courses, students are introduced to a variety of texts, from media to modern literary prose. The course will reflect upon the major trends and movements in Arabic thought and culture.
To satisfy the language requirement of Yale college, students who place into Arabic at Yale at L-1 must complete courses in Arabic through L-3; such students are strongly encouraged, however, to continue through L-4.
For further information about Modern Arabic at Yale, please contact:
Sarab Al Ani
Senior Lector II of Modern Arabic